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without inventor there is nothing. So Steve jobs has more importance than dennis ritchie

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

first of all what i think is,you dont have to be famous to become great and other thing is that their is nothing like that programmers dont get recognition they are respected in their fiel among people who knows about programming.its not possible to feature every programmer to be feautred on every news channel coz they dont need this.everybody do his work and work steve job was like a link between programmers or technicians and common people,so its obvious people will know him more than Ritchie
I think all are great in their own field and all are rememberable for their work.
without inventor there is nothing. So Steve jobs has more importance than dennis ritchie

Dennis ritchie invented "C" programming language.
Yes the programmers wont get good name when compared with the invetors this is so bad and worst thing.

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Thats acceptable. But most of the engineers will be aware of Dennis as they are studying the concepts of C. But Steve Jobs was living so far which makes all people aware of him.
People don't remember when it past a certain decades. Steve Jobs is a recent,that's why people are remembering him.
Dennis did a good job in creating 'C' Language.Few People do remember them,who are still working on languages.

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That's Perfect Ronark. People will even forget Steve Jobs after one or two decades/
The new faces are coming so quickly,that people quickly forget which has past.

Want to make each day Accountable

Everyone remembered Steve Jobs for his innovations but no one remembered Dennis Ritchie, father of C language. Almost every software like OS, or many programming languages were developed using C language.

Do you think if there wouldn't have been "C" programming language then would these innovations have come into existence?

Just give a thought and share your views.

Yes you are right abhishek and its really sad that someone who has done so much for 'humanity' has not been given full credit for his achievements. but the reason i feel that Dennis Ritchie has is not always remmembered in the same way as Steve Jobs is that Dennis Rechie created c language which does not connect to a common man asin he does not understand the technecalities of the achievment..whereas Steev Job's company Apple has created various devices which have gone directly to the common man like ipods, ipad etc..hence his popularity is bound to be more.
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