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That is a wonderful share from you again for the benefit who may need such information. I would bookmark this and would keep it ready if some one would ever need it, thanks.

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You can get many such wonderful pieces of information, if you are ready to take some time to go through the pages. You can also answer many of them.
Really...this forum has helped me a lot.
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Also, always take care don't to repeat already discussed threads. :)

Meera sandhu
Never heard about it.. Thanks for this very important news.

Another message

{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 5230]}
A woman suddenly died unexpectedly with signs of bleeding from her ears, nose, mouth & eyes.
After a preliminary autopsy it was diagnosed that death was due to arsenic poisoning.
Where did the arsenic come from?
The police launched an in-depth and extensive investigation. A medical school professor was invited to come to solve the case.
The professor carefully looked at the contents from the< h. In less than half an hour, the mystery was solved.
The professor said: 'The deceased did not commit suicide and neither was she murdered, she died of accidental death due to ignorance!'
Everyone was puzzled, why accidental death?
The professor said: 'The arsenic was produced in the stomach of the deceased.' The deceased used to take 'Vitamin C' everyday, which in itself is not a problem.
The problem was that she ate a large portion of shrimp/prawn during dinner. Eating shrimp/prawn is not the problem that's why nothing happened to her family even though they had the same shrimp/prawn. However at the same time the deceased also took 'vitamin C', that is where the problem was!

{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 5231]}
Researchers at the University of Chicago in the United States , found through experiments, food such as soft-shell contain much higher concentration of five
potassium arsenic compounds.

Such fresh food by itself has no toxic effects on the human body.

However, in taking 'vitamin C', chemical reaction occurs and the original non-toxic elements change to toxic elements.

{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 5232]}
Arsenic poisoning has magma role and can cause paralysis to the small blood vessels. Therefore, a person who dies of arsenic poisoning will show signs of bleeding from the ears,
nose, mouth & eyes. Thus as a precautionary measure,

DO NOT eat shrimp/prawn when taking 'vitamin C'.

After reading this; please do not be stingy. Forward to your friends

I never hear about this information before., thanks for sharing. sure i will forward this message to many as much as possible.. :)

really a good share for all nice effort indeed & feeling sorry for the women who has paid with her life by consuming vit-c after eating shrimp/prawn unaware of the drastic effect.
I am so thankful for this awareness info especially while this offers free treatment. I know this used to be an incurable disease until a few decades back. I will sure copy and mail it to many.

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@ chinmoy that was nice information.Many people die due to cancer at the early stage too as they can't afford medicines may be this will help them a lot to fight cancer for their life. :)

@ Sandhya that's the reason i am against eating medicines i most of the time try to avoid eating tablets for head ache,flu,light fever as i think they have side effects on our body. :)
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