Hello Friends,

Do you remember the names of your primary school class-teacher?

With the passage of time we forget many things of our childhood and the name of school teachers are few of those entities.

- Harish Jharia

Harish Jharia
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Hi Harish,
Yes I remember every teachers name from my primary school as I often visit my school and many of those teachers are still working in my school.
Yeah I agree that as we move ahead we leave our memories back but some people take their memories with them.

-Atul Barapatre

I remember most of my high school teachers but not primary. May be because I was interacting much with my high school teachers.

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick


I remember my Kindergarten teacher and I am still in touch with her!

I have even written an article about her My Teacher

Yes,I even remember my High School teachers,in fact one of my teacher's home is just a few blocks away from my home,I often go to visit him :)

I wish a Happy Teachers day to all the teachers out there.It is also a special day for me,as I myself a dance teacher and the kids to whom I teach dance give me special cards and flowers.


Swetha Shenoy
Hello Atul, Maverick, Swetha,

I feel so very nice to know that all of us still remember the name of our teachers. I have read the article written by Swetha; excellent piece of work.

- Harish Jharia

Harish Jharia
Hello friends

There was a report in Times of India about some ex-students gifting a duplex house to their teacher. I have posted an article... that is yet to be approved. I will give link to that once it is approved.

- Harish Jharia

Harish Jharia
Hello Friends,

As a humble tribute to our teachers i have written an article based on a news-report in Times of India, from Tamilnadu.

The article has since been approved by Boddunan,com. Here is the link:


- Harish Jharia

Harish Jharia
Yes I also visit there house regularly.
They have made my life ad they feel proud when they see me and my success
I still remember few of my primary teachers but yes most of us forget them with the time. :evil:
Yes I do remember the mane of my class teacher probably because I liked her too much. Her name was Vijaylakshmi Ma'am. She taught me Hindi in the primary school. Though I cannot remember her full name.

Live in the present :)
What a nice thread brought back from mist.....
Thank you Sanjeev

My childhood and school days are very sweet memories of mine....
Also, I often try to remember my old teachers, particularly UKG and primary school. I often feel guilty and sad too, if i couldn't remember her name. Yes, I have to admit I can't remember all teachers' name who have taught me. i do remember them, but a little bit confused who taught me which subject. That's all.
Once, after my marriage, I took a long sheet of paper and draw columns and put names under each class and subjects. But I could see, some names a little confused''if it's first standard or second. Later I couldn't get time to fill those columns and that paper missed somewhere

Meera sandhu
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