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Love holds no bound.Love is beautiful.It should be feel from inside.Love cannot be shared for some condition.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Love is very loyal to you. We should try to give more and more love, so that when love is fully stuffed in our self, we could give it to others.

To love others, we first need to love our self.

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Love holds no bound.Love is beautiful.It should be feel from inside.Love cannot be shared for some condition.

Nice definition shared.It is always beautiful.
Love is like a game we may win or loose but there will be result at the end of it.

As long as a result is there I won't mind playing it. What I afraid is a draw, I do not want to play for a no result. :)

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In love there should be no condition.Love should be free.It is a sweet things which should be feel.

Sharmistha Banerjee
There is a condition while loving they leave the persons very freely.
Love holds no condition.Love is very pure and if there is any condition put then its not love just a n attraction.

Sharmistha Banerjee
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