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Then what about your new company as you said to them are you going to join one month after.

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Oh know, so still one more month you need to work there isha. Am I right?

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

As I said earlier that it's always sensible to play the game by the rule book. Your future employers would always seek information about you from your past employers and it has to be kept in mind.
This creates positive impression for you in future in this company when you want to work here again this will help you so much.

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Hold on till they want to reveal you Isha, that's good for your future as said by Chinmoy. :)
I want to know the current status. Where is Isha?

Meera sandhu
I think she is busy in the old job doing compensate. :( :(

Earn money just for joining in this site.

The issue must have settled by her with her current employer. The thread may be locked!
Y I m getting more better option I have talked about this to HR. They are asking to me serving the notice period of 1 month which is actually impossible. I can stay more for 15 days only.

It is a usual practice of most companies.If your certificates are in their custody you have to act after thinking well.

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Isha, Abid is right. If your certificates are with them then you need to obey them

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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