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Yes it is rule in most of the companies to give notice period of one month before leaving the job.If you can stay there for 15 days then stay and take leave of 15 days.Hope it will be resolved. :)

Taking 15 leaves doesn't suit me. I don't favor such conditions.
Then you must work for daily 12 hours so your compensation will help some what better to reduce your holidays.

Earn money just for joining in this site.

Then you must work for daily 12 hours so your compensation will help some what better to reduce your holidays.

Hahaha... but in my company there is no rule of compensatory leaves may be Isha will say this. :woohoo:
Yes it is rule in most of the companies to give notice period of one month before leaving the job.If you can stay there for 15 days then stay and take leave of 15 days.Hope it will be resolved. :)

Taking 15 leaves doesn't suit me. I don't favor such conditions.

Check whether your new firm can give compensation for the previous company. Just ask them. Normally, if they want you urgently, they will directly give you compensation.

Meera sandhu
Hmmm I will try this. My HR is of very kind nature. Hope they will understand me and accept my resignation. First I will talk to new employer what the exact joining date he needs.
Don't know if it is must to give 1 month notice period for leaving job.. I mean if it is already been told to you before joining than its okay but still not sure.. But its true that most of the company have the this kind of rule.

Y I m getting more better option I have talked about this to HR. They are asking to me serving the notice period of 1 month which is actually impossible. I can stay more for 15 days only.

You may ask if surrender of one month salary in lieu of notice is acceptable.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

It has to be resolved keeping in mind the terms of your appointment letter. New employer normally compensates any monetary loss.In the private sector both the employers as well as employees know it well enough that only thing they are interested in is their interest which such mutual association ensures. If your prospective comes to know that you are joining them violating the terms of previous employer that doesn't create a favorable impression on them!
Isha I would recommend you to talk to you HR about this as all companies do'nt have same rules.
I discussed it with HR they are asking to me for serving one month notice period. So I have to obey their conditions . No more solution.
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