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vinod, after you applied what happend? Adsense people some time if your blog is worthable, they wont look for age of the blog

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

vinod, after you applied what happend? Adsense people some time if your blog is worthable, they wont look for age of the blog

They simply said your blog approval is rejected due to "terms and condition violation". :(

Its really hard to get approval from adsense.. Choose one your interest related topic (not about money making).. and keep posting quality content regularly.. Apply after 6 month and I am sure you will get it. but yes its quite difficult to earn from it even after the approval.

Its really hard to get approval from adsense.. Choose one your interest related topic (not about money making).. and keep posting quality content regularly.. Apply after 6 month and I am sure you will get it. but yes its quite difficult to earn from it even after the approval.

yes anand, i am also thinking about the same.. :) :cheer:

I have already one .. But I am loosing my hope from my blog.. Because I guess I am not improving after efforts too.

Vinod if you write the content with good keywords. then your blog will have great demand and you will get good amount. at the starting for 5 months you should work hard then you blog will get demand.and you will get more clicks

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Hi Sarla.. You are good in SEO.. Any idea and tips for my blog.. I need to improve it but I guess its not working for me.

I still have to start blogging as presently i am not getting much of the time to be online as well has no new ideas for the topic. :)
Vinod if you write the content with good keywords. then your blog will have great demand and you will get good amount. at the starting for 5 months you should work hard then you blog will get demand.and you will get more clicks

yes sarala, i will try to start one good blog with informative soon... :cheer:

Blog is a product of Google. Thats why Google adsense have strict rules

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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