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Obviously any sincere and honest would try to avoid repeating the same action for which he or she has moral compunction!
I just take all my brother birthday chocolate and eat them as i know this is only for my brother........
I just take all my brother birthday chocolate and eat them as i know this is only for my brother........

Chocolate forgives you!!
Ya but i don't think chocolate come to forgive me...hahahahahahah
Ya but i don't think chocolate come to forgive me...hahahahahahah

No other mistakes? Just think about it :sick:

Meera sandhu
Ya from that day i never commit such type of mistakes and in future i don't think that i created such type of mistakes............
I know you are not going to commit any mistakes. I also know that why won't you commit any mistake. You will become all the more good in future than you are right now. :evil:

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Thanks for your appreciation and i try to be far better than today.............
there some people by knowing it is a wrong but they commit that. They feel happy in that only

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

there some people by knowing it is a wrong but they commit that. They feel happy in that only

A mistake committed by mistake only is a mistake.

Anything wrong committed knowingly is an offence and not a mistake.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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