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I know something about photoshop but not sufficient.

Make your kid your teacher :cheer: :P :P :P
Yes now I am learning Flash animation from her.
I know something about photoshop but not sufficient.

Make your kid your teacher :cheer: :P :P :P
Yes now I am learning Flash animation from her.

Yes, nowadays parents have to learn a lot from their kids :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
Actually my daughter teaches me many mobile functions :woohoo: :S

Meera sandhu
I know something about photoshop but not sufficient.

Make your kid your teacher :cheer: :P :P :P
Yes now I am learning Flash animation from her.

Yes, nowadays parents have to learn a lot from their kids :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
Actually my daughter teaches me many mobile functions :woohoo: :S

In this age mobile expert!!!!!
I know something about photoshop but not sufficient.

Make your kid your teacher :cheer: :P :P :P
Yes now I am learning Flash animation from her.

Yes, nowadays parents have to learn a lot from their kids :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
Actually my daughter teaches me many mobile functions :woohoo: :S

In this age mobile expert!!!!!

If she had not got interest in cartoons, she would have taught me photoshop by this time :huh: :huh: :huh:
At the age of 2 itself, she was able to search her favourite videos and photos anywhere in the system. just teach her once, she will remember the was just before she reached 2.5 years...she could easy traverse from one subfolder to another one of another directory. But cartoons have really damaged her IQ and memory.

Meera sandhu
Now a days Children are so many smart. Can you remember your childhood?
We did not know evem how to talk.
great to hear that kids of you both are so intelligent.. :) :)
great children of great parents.. :) :)

Thank you said by: Sandhya Rani
great to hear that kids of you both are so intelligent.. :) :)
great children of great parents.. :) :)

You are also a smart kid baby :)

Meera sandhu
Daily one new softwares are created we can try them they just look like photoshop.

Earn money just for joining in this site.

Iam not basically photoshop designer. Iam a flash developer.
Iam not basically photoshop designer. Iam a flash developer.

Very nice to hear :)

Meera sandhu
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