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Every member can submit five articles daily. This is reasonable. There is shortage of editors. The editors are only part time. But the authors should no bother and submit articles as many as they can. If necessary, management will definitely appoint more editors.

That's fair. But I was suggesting that rather than adding all the articles at once every week, why not publish few of them everyday until the next week?

The editors are part time. Some even absent themselves. So, there is no regularity in publication of articles.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

The editors are part time. Some even absent themselves. So, there is no regularity in publication of articles.

hmm...that's sad :( let's hope for more editors in future. Anyway, if they could get a program to automatically publish the approved articles each day then it would be great!!

The editors are part time. Some even absent themselves. So, there is no regularity in publication of articles.

hmm...that's sad :( let's hope for more editors in future. Anyway, if they could get a program to automatically publish the approved articles each day then it would be great!!

But I think editors are doing their work at correct time, especially Kalyani. Except 1-2 occasions, I never had to wait for more than 2-3 days to get my articles approved. But, it takes a little bit more time to get article published...sometimes even 1 week.

I also like your idea of changing articles on the home page daily. i.e. Even if all articles are published at once, links on home page may be changed daily by placing recently published articles in a queue.

I have already suggested many new ideas, pointed a complicate error in providing links to the author's articles also. Yet, they are not corrected yet :( :(

Meera sandhu
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