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Especially we get positive energy from from god. How many problems we get struck but we should not our faith on god

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Yes, belief in god is a positive energy which can give us many things in, self confidence, hopes and of course destinations

Meera sandhu
Believing in god giving the strength for living and doing good things in life.

I guess it is pecisely because of that, an institution like religion took its birth.To regulate human behavior and show him the right path of behavior.But later Religion became a dominating and controlling force in human life...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Also, some sadhus doing bad things...insulting God in the name of religion. Isn't it?

Meera sandhu
Yes some religions are saying that their religion is better than others.

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In this present world people stoped respecting other religions. As they want others to mix up in their religions

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Sarala, actually, people have become more impatient. They want quick results. Also their needs have increased.

Meera sandhu
Recently i found my caste people as other religion. I was wondered what is happening, so finally i tried to know about them. Then i got the information that, my caste people change to that religion for the sake of getting property and benefits. that means other caste people are showing benefits and attracting people.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Recently i found my caste people as other religion. I was wondered what is happening, so finally i tried to know about them. Then i got the information that, my caste people change to that religion for the sake of getting property and benefits. that means other caste people are showing benefits and attracting people.

Thus religion is more materialistic and people join or affiliate with religious sects for person material benefits.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Recently i found my caste people as other religion. I was wondered what is happening, so finally i tried to know about them. Then i got the information that, my caste people change to that religion for the sake of getting property and benefits. that means other caste people are showing benefits and attracting people.

Thus religion is more materialistic and people join or affiliate with religious sects for person material benefits.

I have seen many people changing to Christianity to get benefits :S

Meera sandhu
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