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my enjoyable routine is browsing and surfing.

:P I think most of us would second that, since browsing the web and being on the net is one of most enjoyable routines... :)

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

I used to start my day with a newspaper in my hand. After reading, i have tea and watch TV.

But i wanted to start by doing exercise.

Want to make each day Accountable

I used to start my day with a newspaper in my hand. After reading, i have tea and watch TV.

But i wanted to start by doing exercise.

Thats great, a brisk walk or exercise is a great way to begin your day ..keeps you fit and healthy ! :) all the best :)

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

My enjoyable daily routine is to active on many article site such as Squiddo,Boddunan.......
My enjoyable daily routine (started just 2 weeks before) is doing some simple yoga on morning. :)
It makes my mind and body active. :)

This is very true. I are habituated with our daily activities.If we don't do so, we feel restless and uncomfortable.
My enjoyable daily routine (started just 2 weeks before) is doing some simple yoga on morning. :)
It makes my mind and body active. :)

This is really very good habit as far as health is concerned.
My enjoyable daily routine (started just 2 weeks before) is doing some simple yoga on morning. :)
It makes my mind and body active. :)

This is really very good habit as far as health is concerned.

Yes, Thats why i started continuing the same after a long break. :)

Any kind of exercise,yoga,meditation or a long brisk walk is an enjoyable and a very healthy routine ! You get to see many people on the streets early in the morning either jogging or taking a brisk walk...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Any kind of exercise,yoga,meditation or a long brisk walk is an enjoyable and a very healthy routine ! You get to see many people on the streets early in the morning either jogging or taking a brisk walk...

Some days back I went to walking but due to knee pains I am unable to go to walking. Now a days my day start with working in Boddunan.

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