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Any kind of exercise,yoga,meditation or a long brisk walk is an enjoyable and a very healthy routine ! You get to see many people on the streets early in the morning either jogging or taking a brisk walk...

Some days back I went to walking but due to knee pains I am unable to go to walking. Now a days my day start with working in Boddunan.

Thats too bad, however,once your knee pain reduces you can once again resume your morning walk.In fact, once yu walk on a regular basis you will find that your knee pain will vanish forever :)

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

My day starts with the bright sunshine.Every morning my first duty is to get up brush my teeth and go inside the kitchen to make breakfast for my entire family and I love to do this.

Sharmistha Banerjee
My day starts with the bright sunshine.Every morning my first duty is to get up brush my teeth and go inside the kitchen to make breakfast for my entire family and I love to do this.

It is pretty much the same for me during morning hours !I too enjoy this routine, more so when children are around and I am cooking something that everyone is looking forward to.. :)

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Any kind of exercise,yoga,meditation or a long brisk walk is an enjoyable and a very healthy routine ! You get to see many people on the streets early in the morning either jogging or taking a brisk walk...

Some days back I went to walking but due to knee pains I am unable to go to walking. Now a days my day start with working in Boddunan.

Sasi, even doctor adviced to have a walk of 1 km daily to get relief from knee pain. :cheer:

My day always start with cup of tea and if time permits a glance at newspaper.
My enjoyable daily routine (started just 2 weeks before) is doing some simple yoga on morning. :)
It makes my mind and body active. :)

Are you practising yoga???
Every day or once in a while? :P

Meera sandhu
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