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But hard work never waste. some where it will definitely works. for example, 2 years back i joined a company, i used to work very hard over there to get clients to the company, but they never paid me. but i had good experience with that company and how maintain a company i learnt. So my hard work did not got wasted. Now i can work as a seo professional, article writer and business analyst and telecaller. all these are developed due to that company only

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

If luck factor works...we need to work less. Otherwise, we need to work more!!!! That can make big difference!!!!

Meera sandhu
There is only one way of Success that is Hard Work.Without it you cannot Success.Suppose that you lucky posted in a Company that make big buildings.Then after Joining what can you Do.This Time your luck cannot favor.
though you do hard work but also should be there then only you can be successive

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

But hard work never waste. some where it will definitely works. for example, 2 years back i joined a company, i used to work very hard over there to get clients to the company, but they never paid me. but i had good experience with that company and how maintain a company i learnt. So my hard work did not got wasted. Now i can work as a seo professional, article writer and business analyst and telecaller. all these are developed due to that company only

Hard work sometimes don't pay what we have though of but in some other ways it pays.I also work hard in the office but i don't get that much increment which i should but i definitely get the recognition. :)
I consider myself to be some one like a laborer whose hard work is always paid. I am always a optimistic one who works thinking that his hard work would be paid.

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I even consider my self too as a hardwork. I work alot until i success.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I even consider my self too as a hardwork. I work alot until i success.

i also work hard everyday but, i feel we should have at least 1% luck to get succeed on our work. :unsure:

Do you think hard work will always get success at end and that there is no 'luck' or unknown 'X' factor??
I personally believe, even if we work a lot, there is something beyond our hands which determines our success and its chances? Do you people also think so?

If we do hard work in some task and if your believe is there,that you won't fail to succeed you will get success.
Yes,sometimes luck doesn't favors us,so possibility is there,but still this happens very less.

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Even if some one fails despite his best effort, he should not mind it and take it as part of the game. Start allover again and do it with double efforts.

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