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Maybe because we are so happy that we don't take care of time and spend lavishly. In difficulties, we some how try to get rid of it. Time does not pass easily.
Actually clock works as usual. It is our emotions, excitment and tension which makes us feel so.
Friends the best way is to be motivated and relax even in adverse situation. This keeps your emotions under control. Always keep smiling.
I have practically experienced this

When i am with my fiance, time seems to fly like a supersonic jet and when i am waiting for him, time moves slower than a snail.

when chinmoy ji is there on forus, lengthy discussions that are fruitful takes place and we are un aware of the time
If chinmoy ji is in hibernation; then we got to wait!!!!!!

Nowadays he is keeping a distance from all of us. I don't know why I feel so.

Meera sandhu
Difficult moments always look long but sweet- not to worry he will be back soon.

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