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YES ! not only seen it during my childhood , also see it now when i get a chance to do so.Normally during the month of April/May we have one company that comes regularly to my town and we especially my children if they are around, make it a point to see it.My own favorite is the trapeze ...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Yes I had seen circus in my child hood I went with my brother. But not remembered now What I saw in that.

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Earlier, we watched for us. Now for our kids' happiness. In't it?

Meera sandhu
Earlier, we watched for us. Now for our kids' happiness. In't it?

Excatly now it looks boring to sit at one place of 3 hours and watching them. :woohoo:
Thats not a boring because of improve in technology it bored us.

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Thats not a boring because of improve in technology it bored us.

I did not see the circus from long time but definitely their technology is so low they should show something new to attract more people. :blink:
Sanjeev they cannot use technology if they done means there is no use of seeing circus.

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I have seen circus when I was kid.. Now i see circus with my kids!!! My Childhood returns!! :woohoo: :woohoo:

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
Its long time ago.. Hardly remember, but yes I had seen couple of.. I liked that ring show in air, which comes at end.

I have seen all circus, Gemini, Kamla, Raymond, Apollo and whatever there name was. I loved jokers as they were so expert in all jobs.

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