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Though writing articles is the best way to earn from this site and you are doing it as I have seen your artciles here moreover you can earn 25 Rs/day by being "Top voter of the day" and earning as many points you can through participating on the forums to get maximum shares at the end of the month. :)
I would rather not waste my time voting polls with the intention of earning any revenue since one may never get anything.I do take part in certain polls that interest me only...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

I would rather not waste my time voting polls with the intention of earning any revenue since one may never get anything.I do take part in certain polls that interest me only...

Usha but I think everyone here is to earn so voting give us the chance to earn 25 Rs/day though I feel writing articles is the best way to earn from Boddunan so one must try to write good articles if he'she wishes to make more money from it. :)
Sarita..warm welcome to our group!!!
Hoping you have gone through FAQ
Don't feel bad if I tell you something.....please..
You could have started a single thread to ask all your doubts, instead of starting multiple ones. It can invite a lot of spam replies....that's why am telling so. Hoping you understand. You can send me PMs also. I am ready to help you always. :) :)

Let me tell you one more are writing nice articles :)

She wnts Rs 100 per article .help her.(joking)
Yes we all are ready to help you. Just ask your doubt.

we all are here to help her...but multiple threads for each and every silly doubts :silly:

Yes I also feel the same, if there is a personal problem, which is not common for all members of the site, it should either go to a particular thread or A PM to the admin. This is applicable for every member. This thread has served its purpose hence closed.

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This is happening all the time. :dry: I had merged some of them but every now and then a whole thread is created. I will suggest everyone to ask there doubts in the thread named "ASK ALL YOUR DOUBTS HERE" under the "Help" category. We can keep the forums clean by taking a few simple steps.

Live in the present :)
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