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There are many reasons that encourage poor to have large families and the rich to shorter families. If parents give more importance to living standard and children education, they are likely to have less children. But when parents expect that their children will from very childhood start earning from employment in cycle repair shop, tea stalls and restaurants, there will be tendency for more children. The way to check population is to encourage more education, ban child labor strictly, encourage decent living standard.

sir, your ideas are nice. But very often, due to circumstances, a child may need to work (though in rare conditions)

Meera sandhu
Yes India should strict to all people for maximum 2 kids and if 3rd child then more tax need to pay to govt.

Santosh Kumar Singh


There are many reasons that encourage poor to have large families and the rich to shorter families. If parents give more importance to living standard and children education, they are likely to have less children. But when parents expect that their children will from very childhood start earning from employment in cycle repair shop, tea stalls and restaurants, there will be tendency for more children. The way to check population is to encourage more education, ban child labor strictly, encourage decent living standard.

sir, your ideas are nice. But very often, due to circumstances, a child may need to work (though in rare conditions)

It is for government/ society and parents to ensure that a child studies and plays and not works. If there is more stress on beter living and education, family planning will succeed.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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