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Wow!! That's great thing to know @suni I never heard people loving to be dominated.. Some people don't even allow their parents to dominate them ... though they depend on them
We all come across dominant people sometime or the other in our life. They may be dominant parents, dominant land-lords, dominant friends, dominant husbands, dominant wives etc. It is often difficult to deal with such people and they force you to do things they want. How do you deal with dominant people? :huh:

There won't be smoke without fire.. If some person dominates you there must be a reason. I see if a person commits nuisance in my house or street or office, and if i employ some hard methods to contain the person, Do you think i dominate the person? Similarly a house wife who wastes the money on unnecessary shopping, and if her hubby puts down his foot, is he dominating her?

I agree with babuji, Domination should be applied in certain conditions. I wont allow anyone to dominate me at any time. I will try to overcome from that, otherwise i will start dominate them.

That's the right attitude Dear Arun. No body can dominate one unless he/ she opts for getting dominated.
Wow!! That's great thing to know @suni I never heard people loving to be dominated.. Some people don't even allow their parents to dominate them ... though they depend on them

See most wives feel delighted when they say 'my husband is so or so dominating that he does not allow me to do this or that' and they feel bad if the case is not so. I would love to be dominated that way not bullied around by any one. In that case I would retaliate like all hell broke loose.

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Wow!! That's great thing to know @suni I never heard people loving to be dominated.. Some people don't even allow their parents to dominate them ... though they depend on them

See most wives feel delighted when they say 'my husband is so or so dominating that he does not allow me to do this or that' and they feel bad if the case is not so. I would love to be dominated that way not bullied around by any one. In that case I would retaliate like all hell broke loose.

That's how we are supposed to do. Acting according to situation
Domination and subservience are natural. The strong always dominate over the weak. The domination is physical or mental. There may be domination owing to certain position or relation. An expert dominates over the inexpert. A religious Guru may dominate over his disciples. a doctor dominates over patients. You cannot avoid domination. This helps in better performance and relation. If either the husband or wife is not dominating over the other, family affairs will not run well. Indira Gandhi ruled well as she was capable of dominating.

If domination is unethical or for personal gain or harming others, this becomes tyranny.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Even parents can't dominate children as it may effect their future and they may not be able to take decisions in life. Any dominant person should not be encouraged.. If you do it once then life long have to face them.

Domination to a certain degree is desirable if you want to have control over a situation

Oh I would love to be dominated. No one dominates any one unless feels for the one whom he is dominating. I won't mind if any one dominating over me.

Some times we can see a domination that as an undercurrent of love and affection from a close relative or a close friend who are invariably our well wishers. We can bear willingly such type of domination.
Okay, let me make it a little more clear- as they say the love is always dominant and never trusts any one unless a person is totally dedicated and that only makes people dominant in most cases otherwise who would dare dominant a stranger.

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Okay, let me make it a little more clear- as they say the love is always dominant and never trusts any one unless a person is totally dedicated and that only makes people dominant in most cases otherwise who would dare dominant a stranger.

A mother snatches away the book from the hands of the son who was reading past night and says with a daunting voice, "Go to bed."
I love this type of domination. And its needed.
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