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Well, that's not good for sure SJ.. Life should be enjoy , better spend it happily and not worry about every small issues.

I have a colleague who does that and always feel that someone is talking about him even though no one talks about him. He takes things so seriously that many of the times he has stopped talking to people due to his such habit which ultimately stress him not anyone else. :evil:

Honestly speaking, in past even I was like that. I mean whenever someone laughs I always used to think that they are doing it on me.. But I forced my self to change as I knew it is wrong, and now I join the laugh with them with no such bad thinking. :)

Well, that's not good for sure SJ.. Life should be enjoy , better spend it happily and not worry about every small issues.

I have a colleague who does that and always feel that someone is talking about him even though no one talks about him. He takes things so seriously that many of the times he has stopped talking to people due to his such habit which ultimately stress him not anyone else. :evil:

Honestly speaking, in past even I was like that. I mean whenever someone laughs I always used to think that they are doing it on me.. But I forced my self to change as I knew it is wrong, and now I join the laugh with them with no such bad thinking. :)

This is bad habit. I never care for people even though they whisper about me in front of me too. Untill they speak directly on my face I hardly care for it. :)
I know that SJ.. that's have i forced my self to change.. Now I not care at all about such things.

I know that SJ.. that's have i forced my self to change.. Now I not care at all about such things.

That's good. We should enjoy life not should get upset for what people think about us. :)

Remembering everything is not good but we should remember things which are good in life and may motivate us to do bettrt things in life. :)
Yes that's true SJ.. Even I realized it. There are many other important things instead of thinking what others are thinking about us.

Thank you said by: Sanjeev Gupta
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