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I have never been happy with time line and never really bother about any of their new features...The other day someone sent me a link which showed who is stalking me, and I found that funny ! Because in a social site we are supposed to be social which means we visit friends and relatives profile when we want to either read some comment or leave a comment , if someone is keeping tabs on your activities the whole purpose of socialising gets defeated...

You will be surprised to note that I never read my time line because I know there is nothing worthwhile to go through. This is mostly people who keep updating their status by quotes, their links of articles and pictures from internet.

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

Thanks Sunil.. I know about such stuffs as I faced something like this in orkut in the past.. So now not going to fall for the same.

Thanks Sunil.. I know about such stuffs as I faced something like this in orkut in the past.. So now not going to fall for the same.

You see people still fall for such tricks knowing fully well that Facebook has no provision to change profile color settings.

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

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