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Its better for us to directly write article in the editor box its easy I wrote my latest article like this I found it more easy to copy/paste from note pad. :)

Well, I use MS office word because it gives correction for spelling mistakes and grammatical mistakes.. So it is better.

Its better for us to directly write article in the editor box its easy I wrote my latest article like this I found it more easy to copy/paste from note pad. :)

Well, I use MS office word because it gives correction for spelling mistakes and grammatical mistakes.. So it is better.

That's fine for you. :)

Yes we need spell checks its also available in Boddunan editor box also. :)
I guess it is feature of our browser.. but still not sure.

I guess it is feature of our browser.. but still not sure.

Yes you can check spellings on boddunan editor as you do on other sites. They have alternate words too.

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

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G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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