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Today is 64th Republic Day . Let celebrate this day and pay homage to all of our freedom fighters.

No doubt, they deserve it all. It is because due to them that we are here, happily posting here. Just imagine how difficult it would have been without them. It is time to celebrate as well as remember them all.
Thank you said by: Mary
Let's all strive for a better India with better living conditions and a corruption free India----Bolo Mere sang Jaihind, Jaihind, Jaihind.
images_2013-01-26.jpg (You do not have access to download this file.)
Thank you said by: Mary
Chief minister Jayalalitha saluting the flag

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Thank you said by: Abhijit Dnyaneshwar Bangal, RobertP
Happy Republic Day to all of you. :) Let us remember all those brave hearts who didn't think twice before giving up their life for their motherland. We salute you!
repub.jpg (You do not have access to download this file.)

Live in the present :)
Thank you said by: Mary
We can remember the sacrifice of freedom fighters today and can keep it in mind for all the time.

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