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we are responsible for our actions. responsibility is every where. what is free bird? it itself is a responsibility. the mind set changes over a period of time. there must be some one in life to share your pain and pleasure. insecurity will alarm and crave for a soul mate. the life to be viewed as an interesting play. enjoy the thrill.

served in iaf for 30 years on mig aircraft. blind believer of spiritual life, interested in exchange of healthy views besides learning from you all.
we are responsible for our actions. responsibility is every where. what is free bird? it itself is a responsibility. the mind set changes over a period of time. there must be some one in life to share your pain and pleasure. insecurity will alarm and crave for a soul mate. the life to be viewed as an interesting play. enjoy the thrill.

These are words of wisdom and experience, I must say. Indeed how can we hold someone else responsible for our actions. We ourselves are.
I remember that once George Bernard Shaw said- a man should avoid marriage as long as he can. a woman should marry as soon as she can.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I remember that once George Bernard Shaw said- a man should avoid marriage as long as he can. a woman should marry as soon as she can.

Hahahaha :laugh: :laugh: That's really a funny statement. But it is full of advice. Those who understood the statement are indeed wise.
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
Every one has to tie in the knot of marriage.some do it early and some do it late.It depends upon the view of each person.But we cannot say it is a responsibility.Many enjoy their marriage life but other think it is a burden.But enjoy and feel it then everything will be very easy.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Marriage, means everyone things about the remaining life and the happenings after the marriage. but we should even thing about understanding, love, affection, friendship, sharing, positive thinking

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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