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Where as it should be that we should value more for whatever we have in our hands because tat is ours There is a proverb that says 'going for something not in our reach will deprive us of what we have in our hands'

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Where as it should be that we should value more for whatever we have in our hands because tat is ours There is a proverb that says 'going for something not in our reach will deprive us of what we have in our hands'

It reminds me that old saying, " A bird in hand is two worth in the bush."
Where as it should be that we should value more for whatever we have in our hands because tat is ours There is a proverb that says 'going for something not in our reach will deprive us of what we have in our hands'

It reminds me that old saying, " A bird in hand is two worth in the bush."

The same- 'aadhi chod poori ko dhave, aadhi mile na poori pave' That translates my above saying.

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Where as it should be that we should value more for whatever we have in our hands because tat is ours There is a proverb that says 'going for something not in our reach will deprive us of what we have in our hands'

It reminds me that old saying, " A bird in hand is two worth in the bush."

The same- 'aadhi chod poori ko dhave, aadhi mile na poori pave' That translates my above saying.

Yes, all of these sayings drive the same point to home that "Bless your counting. Enrich them, instead of despising them."
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