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We also had seen drinks who found animals in bottles. In future we can see more like these ones.

Not clear what you mean? Do you mean you have seen these drinks???

Mam I am saying of cool drinks which we drink daily. We all known the news that they found lizard in cool drinks. These drinks are also just like them.

Where do you drink such drinks? You mean those drinks sold on push carts sold in those street corners?
We also had seen drinks who found animals in bottles. In future we can see more like these ones.

Not clear what you mean? Do you mean you have seen these drinks???

Mam I am saying of cool drinks which we drink daily. We all known the news that they found lizard in cool drinks. These drinks are also just like them.

This is different from cold drinks, I don't know about the issue but it looks like a lizard might have accidentally fallen in the cold drinks. But the drinks shown in this slideshow are prepared by stuffing dangerous and slimy animals and the drinks get their highly intoxicant nature from the venom and meat of those animals. So both issues are different.

Oh Kalyani, are you sure there is venom and meat included when making these drinks? Then who would consume such a drink? I think people eating non-veg would avoid this.

I think you have not read the description below those slides, most of the drinks get their intoxicant quality due to the venom of the animals!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Thank you said by: Abhijit Dnyaneshwar Bangal
Here are the most dangerous drinks which are toxicated in this world.

Luckily I have never any of these drinks.
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