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Here are some tips to be excellent yourself

:) To be success in life these one should be follow these tips. But I think nothing is prefect in the Universe.

Well, it is not the question of being perfect, but just about being excellent in what one dose. By the way, it is not possible to be perfect for anyone. Do you think I am right.
Here are some tips to be excellent yourself

:) To be success in life these one should be follow these tips. But I think nothing is prefect in the Universe.

Well, it is not the question of being perfect, but just about being excellent in what one dose. By the way, it is not possible to be perfect for anyone. Do you think I am right.

It reminds me of the quote by surrealist Salvador Dali
Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it.
Here are some tips to be excellent yourself

:) To be success in life these one should be follow these tips. But I think nothing is prefect in the Universe.

Well, it is not the question of being perfect, but just about being excellent in what one dose. By the way, it is not possible to be perfect for anyone. Do you think I am right.

It reminds me of the quote by surrealist Salvador Dali
Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it.

Aaahh that's well said Rambabuji. Man is known to be an imperfect animal who is always striving for perfection. But that is a stage one never attains.
Here are some tips to be excellent yourself

:) To be success in life these one should be follow these tips. But I think nothing is prefect in the Universe.

Well, it is not the question of being perfect, but just about being excellent in what one dose. By the way, it is not possible to be perfect for anyone. Do you think I am right.

It reminds me of the quote by surrealist Salvador Dali
Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it.

Aaahh that's well said Rambabuji. Man is known to be an imperfect animal who is always striving for perfection. But that is a stage one never attains.

And while pursuing Perfection, people end up doing nothing.
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