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No doubt bull fight is a cruel game what about wrestling, boxing,sumo fighting and many other games which are equally cruel and cause grievous injuries and even death at times....

These games are also dangerous but do not involve cruelty to animals. The humans can play any game with proper skill, training and free consent.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

All games and activities that cause cruelty to animals, including bull fight should be ended.

Actually such fights are not only cruelty to animals but also to the humans. Many people die or seriously get injured in the fights. :(

Every year several people are trampled by the enraged Bulls in the local Bull chasing game known as JalliKattu in Tamilnadu and Andhra
No doubt bull fight is a cruel game what about wrestling, boxing,sumo fighting and many other games which are equally cruel and cause grievous injuries and even death at times....

Yes these are dangerous games but I feel they get paid well to play them as there is risk involved in these. :blink:

Yes these are dangerous games but I feel they get paid well to play them as there is risk involved in these. :blink:

Their lives are important than how much they earn.
Is fully fight needed.

This is really against animals they play with the bulls. It must be banned in these country also.

Earn money just for joining in this site.

Is fully fight needed.

This is really against animals they play with the bulls. It must be banned in these country also.

This is not only against animals but also against humans.
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