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I have a lot to say on this form of investment and I intend to bare it all in my next article on this. Investment in gold must take into consideration several economic variables. Hope the proposed article would enjoy your kind patronage.

Definitely ! would look forward to reading your article ! Personally, I am not too interested in either gold ornaments or gold as a metal, prefer to have liquid cash or property as a form of investment any day...

No doubt property is a better option of an investment but one need lots of money to won property these days so they opt for investing in gold as every day the rate of gold increases and I don't think its a bad idea to invest in gold these days.
I have a lot to say on this form of investment and I intend to bare it all in my next article on this. Investment in gold must take into consideration several economic variables. Hope the proposed article would enjoy your kind patronage.

Definitely ! would look forward to reading your article ! Personally, I am not too interested in either gold ornaments or gold as a metal, prefer to have liquid cash or property as a form of investment any day...

No doubt property is a better option of an investment but one need lots of money to won property these days so they opt for investing in gold as every day the rate of gold increases and I don't think its a bad idea to invest in gold these days.

Gold rates have crashed and continues to do so ...No doubt there will be a recovery, but the predictions are that it might come down further and stagnate ..I feel that it is better to keep the money in bank fixed deposits where there is no risk..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

It certainly depends on a persons risk taking ability, wisdom and is never going to lose its value in Indian references.

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