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There was a documentary that I saw on discovery channel where a group of scientists and analysts stay at a haunted house with many instruments that record sound and movement and also photographs ...They did get some sounds and also hazy pictures ! Of course a lot more needs to be done before any conclusion can be drawn.

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

I have also seen on discovery channel a story of a haunted house by a women in which she used to live with her 5 year old son and at last she had to leave that house....... she had done so many things so that she could have stayed there but all the things went wrong and she had to leave the house....
I would like to say that I do not believe in ghosts, spirits or any such things, but I would still like to keep an open mind since it is largely an unproven issue ...

it is a matter of great debate that occurs in most forums including this one at recurrent intervals! :laugh: Although such things cannot be proved, there are still occurences or incidents that happen which are beyond any kind of logical or rational explanation. I personally, believe there are such things, I wouldn't call the ghosts, per se, but that which are supernatural and paranormal in nature.

In fact, many things are unexplained. We are humans with limitations and the universe is far vast and complicated. So there are unsolved mysteries. Scientific probe and research is continuous and we can't say that what we know now is final. Yet our approach should be scientific and there is no logic in inventing 'ghosts' and 'devils' just because there are some unexplained events.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

There was a documentary that I saw on discovery channel where a group of scientists and analysts stay at a haunted house with many instruments that record sound and movement and also photographs ...They did get some sounds and also hazy pictures ! Of course a lot more needs to be done before any conclusion can be drawn.

There are such real life stories shown, I guess on Discovery. If I am not wrong, the name of the series is "Haunted". I just saw one episode until now. I guess there's nothing scripting and everything was real.
There was a documentary that I saw on discovery channel where a group of scientists and analysts stay at a haunted house with many instruments that record sound and movement and also photographs ...They did get some sounds and also hazy pictures ! Of course a lot more needs to be done before any conclusion can be drawn.

There are such real life stories shown, I guess on Discovery. If I am not wrong, the name of the series is "Haunted". I just saw one episode until now. I guess there's nothing scripting and everything was real.

I guess it was that, not sure though ! It was quite interesting and many of them were shot in country homes and manors which were supposed to be haunted..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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