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Disabled people are part of our society. They also deserve life and happiness as we the normal human beings deserve. Many disabled peoples are genius. They have capability and talent far better than us. They deserve a chance to prove themselves and establish a better life. Lets help them. Many innocent disabled children are in queue. We should come forward and make them our friends. Lets not neglect them.
Disabled people are part of our society. They also deserve life and happiness as we the normal human beings deserve. Many disabled peoples are genius. They have capability and talent far better than us. They deserve a chance to prove themselves and establish a better life. Lets help them. Many innocent disabled children are in queue. We should come forward and make them our friends. Lets not neglect them.

Many disabled people are being ridiculed. This is a wrong attitude. If you can't see properly, you go to a doctor and you wear the prescribed glasses. Its not viewed as a disability. How, if a deaf man wears a hearing aid, he will be subjected to ridicule .this attitude must be changed. Only then we can help the disabled in a big way.
Today the entire world is busy celebrating this day which should remind all of us our duty to ensure a fair deal for an important section of our society. India is faced with some grim facts of showing criminal negligence to their needs and development. This day has been reduced to a mere ritual - is celebrated today to be forgotten for the rest of the year. Share your thoughts!

World disabled day is a new word for me. I cannot able to write about this topic but good to know about a new word. I add it to my dicitonary.

I never have had any intention to enrich anyone's vocabulary. I just desired a serious response on a compelling issue. By the way, it is just not a word!!!
Thank you said by: Kalyani Nandurkar
Today the entire world is busy celebrating this day which should remind all of us our duty to ensure a fair deal for an important section of our society. India is faced with some grim facts of showing criminal negligence to their needs and development. This day has been reduced to a mere ritual - is celebrated today to be forgotten for the rest of the year. Share your thoughts!

World disabled day is a new word for me. I cannot able to write about this topic but good to know about a new word. I add it to my dicitonary.

I never have had any intention to enrich anyone's vocabulary. I just desired a serious response on a compelling issue. By the way, it is just not a word!!!

Here I would like to take up another aspect of this problem that is the kind of trauma, hardship arising out social stigma, apathy for the members of a family of a disabled person. And what is our response and sensitivity to them? I know a young mother of a spastic girl and her plight is no better than that of her daughter. Problems like these in affluent families might be tackled in some way but what about its enormity in poverty-stricken rural India??
Today the entire world is busy celebrating this day which should remind all of us our duty to ensure a fair deal for an important section of our society. India is faced with some grim facts of showing criminal negligence to their needs and development. This day has been reduced to a mere ritual - is celebrated today to be forgotten for the rest of the year. Share your thoughts!

World disabled day is a new word for me. I cannot able to write about this topic but good to know about a new word. I add it to my dicitonary.

I never have had any intention to enrich anyone's vocabulary. I just desired a serious response on a compelling issue. By the way, it is just not a word!!!

Here I would like to take up another aspect of this problem that is the kind of trauma, hardship arising out social stigma, apathy for the members of a family of a disabled person. And what is our response and sensitivity to them? I know a young mother of a spastic girl and her plight is no better than that of her daughter. Problems like these in affluent families might be tackled in some way but what about its enormity in poverty-stricken rural India??

Usually in such families, the mother is cast off outside home with her differently-abled child, this is a normal and common practice in rural and economically backward sections, and even to a certain extent in affluent families, the woman is held responsible. Instead of seeking solution for the child and getting proper treatment and counseling, they are simply cast aside!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Today the entire world is busy celebrating this day which should remind all of us our duty to ensure a fair deal for an important section of our society. India is faced with some grim facts of showing criminal negligence to their needs and development. This day has been reduced to a mere ritual - is celebrated today to be forgotten for the rest of the year. Share your thoughts!

World disabled day is a new word for me. I cannot able to write about this topic but good to know about a new word. I add it to my dicitonary.

I never have had any intention to enrich anyone's vocabulary. I just desired a serious response on a compelling issue. By the way, it is just not a word!!!

Here I would like to take up another aspect of this problem that is the kind of trauma, hardship arising out social stigma, apathy for the members of a family of a disabled person. And what is our response and sensitivity to them? I know a young mother of a spastic girl and her plight is no better than that of her daughter. Problems like these in affluent families might be tackled in some way but what about its enormity in poverty-stricken rural India??

Usually in such families, the mother is cast off outside home with her differently-abled child, this is a normal and common practice in rural and economically backward sections, and even to a certain extent in affluent families, the woman is held responsible. Instead of seeking solution for the child and getting proper treatment and counseling, they are simply cast aside!

That is what I am talking about - social ostracization! In fact, the young I was referring to, could be seen taking her to a doctor's chamber and strangely I have never seen her husband with her so far!!!
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