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Many wedding is organized by spending 100 crores rupees. Is it good or bad.

I don't care, it is their money and the best thing is, it is being spent and going into the market (Read circulation) coming out of underground stores lying without use. Market will be benefited using it. Let it come out and included in the market flow.

Never thought about it, but yes the thing you have mentioned is correct. It will surely rotate those money into the market and it is good in the end.

Honestly even I don't care. Personally I am not interested in spending more money for the same.

Money rotation in the market at the cost of spreading unhealthy practices in the society? Extravagance itself is a bad practice in itself. If the money is overflowing in certain circles, let them be utilized for social services. Spending astronomical sums on marriages and parties sets a bad example. To eradicate this, government is encouraging inter caste marriages and counsels to go for registered marriages.

True.. But I don't think most of people are spending those money for any social activities.. If they do then that is the most preferable thing.

They will. not donate their money but spending and giving it in market is kind of money going to different service industry and workers.

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Many wedding is organized by spending 100 crores rupees. Is it good or bad.

I don't care, it is their money and the best thing is, it is being spent and going into the market (Read circulation) coming out of underground stores lying without use. Market will be benefited using it. Let it come out and included in the market flow.

Never thought about it, but yes the thing you have mentioned is correct. It will surely rotate those money into the market and it is good in the end.

Honestly even I don't care. Personally I am not interested in spending more money for the same.

Money rotation in the market at the cost of spreading unhealthy practices in the society? Extravagance itself is a bad practice in itself. If the money is overflowing in certain circles, let them be utilized for social services. Spending astronomical sums on marriages and parties sets a bad example. To eradicate this, government is encouraging inter caste marriages and counsels to go for registered marriages.

True.. But I don't think most of people are spending those money for any social activities.. If they do then that is the most preferable thing.

Instead all those stinking riches are lying in Swiss banks unused for years.
It's true that money goes into the economic well being, but think about those side effects on the society. People try to imitate these things, and when they can't afford to do that, problem arises!

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Many wedding is organized by spending 100 crores rupees. Is it good or bad.

It is downright shameful whn people are dying of hunger and have no roof over their head.Human greed has reached such low levels , the lesser said the better...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

It's true that money goes into the economic well being, but think about those side effects on the society. People try to imitate these things, and when they can't afford to do that, problem arises!

If they want to imitate, that is not a bad idea but they must imitate their hard work they did in earning that kind of money as well. In fact, unless man will not learn to earn, he will not have enough to spend. We can talk big in terms of ideologies but I have not yet seen anyone donating his property beyond a reasonable limit.

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It is good for the people who can afford it. There exists many people who has enough and 100 crores are just trifle. Just few years back, Prince Williams wedding was the costliest wedding in the England. If they don't do so, it will hurt their ego.
Recently in Pakistan a famous cricketers family were arrested due to such matter.
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