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absolutely, people love to live where they are familiar.

It's not familiarity exactly. It's the necessity based fulfillment. The necessities vary from time to time. So a place should cater to all your long term necessities.

Sometimes one finds himself in a confusing situation like I am finding my self right now. I am not able to decide whether to live here or go back home, chances are me and wife will spend rest of our life shuttling in between here and there. I have a home in both places.

Yes when you live away from your home, you always find yourself in this kind of conundrum.
Many a times, we have lived a life more than native place and that creates a probable situation choosing a place which is nice and beautiful and best to live.

absolutely, people love to live where they are familiar.

It's not familiarity exactly. It's the necessity based fulfillment. The necessities vary from time to time. So a place should cater to all your long term necessities.

Sometimes one finds himself in a confusing situation like I am finding my self right now. I am not able to decide whether to live here or go back home, chances are me and wife will spend rest of our life shuttling in between here and there. I have a home in both places.

Yes when you live away from your home, you always find yourself in this kind of conundrum.

Such situations arise when one lacks clarity in his requirements. I left a place where I lived for a long time only after confirming that it no longer caters to my needs. And the place I shifted is a place which I wanted exactly. Even after 15 years of my shifting to the new place i don't have any complaints.
Many a times I feel confused due to lack of facility at my work place as no where to go mountains, hills and no sea, but it seems I had to think it as the best to concentrate living there.

Many a times I feel confused due to lack of facility at my work place as no where to go mountains, hills and no sea, but it seems I had to think it as the best to concentrate living there.

Lot of thinking is necessary before you decide to shift to a new place. All your necessities should be taken care of.
I do not think so, once you are transferred to a place no thinking, you will have to go there.

I do not think so, once you are transferred to a place no thinking, you will have to go there.

The thread is about "Which place in India is the best to live?" .So it implies that given a chance where do you like to live. Transfers and other factors will not cover this thread. Simply your options.
I was off track like india batting slip against Sri Lanka.

I was off track like india batting slip against Sri Lanka.

Be careful about the main gist of the thread. It's important in forums.
Best place to live is the one which caters the needs or requirements of an individual. A person seeking all modern day facilities and loves to live surrounded by crowd can choose to live in any of the metro cities and a person seeking peace can go for some village or town like place. Usually, people decide to stay in places where all their requirements are fulfilled like good education, good employment scope etc..... They love to live with their family and relatives.
According to me, the best place to live in India is Himachal. I have traveled many states. I have communicated with the locals. Every time I visit Himachal Pradesh I feel yes, this is going to be my last destination, the destination where I would like to breath my last. There's no employment scope over their. People mainly depend on the tourists for their livelihood. There's no modern facilities. Most of the time of the year, it is covered with snow and people face extreme difficulties as mode of transportation gets disturbed. But, the beauty this place has is enough to take away breath and mesmerize an individual. Warmth that locals give us is enough and make a person forget his own family and relatives.
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