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A garden full of flowers of only one type is a pseudo garden. The real garden has flowers of many types,fragrances and shapes.
A garden full of flowers of only one type is a pseudo garden. The real garden has flowers of many types,fragrances and shapes.

Where is the unity here? Variety is not unity.Dividing the country in the pretext of" easy administration" and fueling regional feelings is not unity.
We are culturally a diverse society and politically a united country. Let us come back to India's export enhancement possibilities.
Exports can be boosted only when our rulers realize the worth and rich resources existing under our very nose. Till then we will be importing even a Pin.
Exports can be boosted only when our rulers realize the worth and rich resources existing under our very nose. Till then we will be importing even a Pin.

Any concrete suggestions pl. Other readers may also suggest
Exports can be boosted only when our rulers realize the worth and rich resources existing under our very nose. Till then we will be importing even a Pin.

Any concrete suggestions pl. Other readers may also suggest

I already suggested. A Tanjore painting is unique in the sense that real gold is used to depict the theme. There is no such genre in the entire world. The middle men and private entrepreneur are making millions. Why it should not be developed ? Similarly Kalankari.
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