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Yes it really helps to boost up my energy level. I certainly feel very low at times doing mundane activities. We all need to charge up our energy level from time to time.

I love writing and sharing ideas

Yes it really helps to boost up my energy level. I certainly feel very low at times doing mundane activities. We all need to charge up our energy level from time to time.

When you are low, you will not feel like attending any job. This is a signal from your body. Hear it. Heed it. Relaxing is what you need immediately. Even a short nap is enough to recharge your spent up energy.
Going for a long walk can be very rejuvenating when you feel lethargic and low in spirits.I like to walk on a sunday afternoon since the roads are least crowded and there is hardly anyone around ...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Going for a long walk can be very rejuvenating when you feel lethargic and low in spirits.I like to walk on a sunday afternoon since the roads are least crowded and there is hardly anyone around ...

I walk during early morning hours. road cleaning staff of corporation will not be there. Traffic is less. Due to these reasons, my track will be dust free.
Yes taking long walks certainly is very rejuvenating. Often when we are feeling low or we are stressed out it helps to clean our minds. Taking long walks especially after dinner helps in digestion.

I love writing and sharing ideas

Yes taking long walks certainly is very rejuvenating. Often when we are feeling low or we are stressed out it helps to clean our minds. Taking long walks especially after dinner helps in digestion.

I prefer to walk in early mornings. A mere investment of 20 minutes for a brisk walk will keep you active , alert and focussed all day long.
I find yog nidra very relaxing....

“A mistake is a crash-course in learning” – Billy Anderson

I find yog nidra very relaxing....

Sipping a cup of coffee and reading helps too!

“A mistake is a crash-course in learning” – Billy Anderson

Yoga in any form relaxes you. It's non invasive and effective.
Absolutely, yoga and meditation helps...

“A mistake is a crash-course in learning” – Billy Anderson

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