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For me chocolate does the trick ...sometimes ice-cream! But owing to health is better to limit the intake.

“A mistake is a crash-course in learning” – Billy Anderson

Oh I remember my mother used to pop in some sugar if there was no sweet at home. She was very fond of sweets and had this habit of taking sweets after dinner.

I love writing and sharing ideas

Oh I remember my mother used to pop in some sugar if there was no sweet at home. She was very fond of sweets and had this habit of taking sweets after dinner.

At times when I have a craving for some kind of sweet even jaggery works for me :) or bourbon too!

“A mistake is a crash-course in learning” – Billy Anderson

I fond of sweets and used to take plenty. Especially local sweets such as tadia, papadi etc.

It varies from region to region. We in AP are not known for eating sweets be it after lunch or dinner. Very rarely I eat sweets on a festive occasion or on a Social celebration like B'Days and Marriages.
Oh yes true. Actually most Bengalis are believed to be born with a sweet tooth, however there are exceptions too.

I love writing and sharing ideas

True..bengalis are more inclined towards sweets and sweet dishes but probably I am an exception.

“A mistake is a crash-course in learning” – Billy Anderson

Exceptions will be there. Bengalis not inclined towards sweets. South Indians especially Telugu people dying for sweets are there and will be there.
Well I am not a die-hard fan of sweets as most of my Bengali friends are that I know of, but I prefer dry sweets more like Kaju barfi. Chocolates and ice-cream I can indulge in any time.

I love writing and sharing ideas

In a limited quantity sweets are good. While rushing for sweets it's wise to remember the health hazards associated with excess sweet consumption.
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