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People who are serious about focusing on their job, will avoid distractions. There's is a saying, "Distraction leads to subtraction" (subtraction of Focus.)
People who are serious about focusing on their job, will avoid distractions. There's is a saying, "Distraction leads to subtraction" (subtraction of Focus.)

Yes, well said. People who tend to focus on their work at hand also tend to do fewer mistakes.

“A mistake is a crash-course in learning” – Billy Anderson

When we are in joyful mood, songs we listen will be just like music and we will not even bother about the lyrics. But when we are sad, we will find only the lyrics of the song.
When we are in joyful mood, songs we listen will be just like music and we will not even bother about the lyrics. But when we are sad, we will find only the lyrics of the song.

Yes, when we are happy we love any music that is pleasing irrespective of the lyrics. But the thread is about whether playing or listening to music while working or studying is preferred or not. Whether you find it disturbing or you are not affected by it.

“A mistake is a crash-course in learning” – Billy Anderson

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