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I Fear the Day That Technology Will Surpass Our Human Interaction and the world will have a generation of Idiots - Einstein
We are living in an age wherein a child reminds his mother through a cell phone for his next feed.
What's your take on Einstein's saying"?

I think technology has already taken over human interaction. We have already reached a point where we cannot imagine our lives without any techno-gadgets..can we? We can go on writing either for or against the growing use of gadgets which is marring real human interaction...but deep down we all know, this very technology is helping us earn our living, helping us stay connected with our loved ones who are spread across geographies, and helping us stay updated about the goings-on in and around us.

Really technology is helping us do things faster. Our capacity to calculate manually may have decreased but calculaters do very quickly. If you write an article using computer, your intellignce is certainly not less than what would be if you wrote manually.

Correct, we should make use of technology for adding to our knowledge and to our advantage. But we should not let technology cripple us. If we are using MS-Word to write an article..we should we equally adept at writing the same using a pen and a paper.
As fas as human interaction is concerned..we are all judgmental....may be less or more..but when we interact one-on-one with someone real..we are being judged and we judge the other person too..which we may not like. But when we interact in the cyber world...we don't bother too much if people are critical about us.

When you use improved technology, you will definitely lose the old skill. I can no longer write with pen on a paper but can work hours on computer. There is nothing wrong with this. what is significant is writing and not the method employed. There was a time when people would write on Bhoj patra (tree leaves) with a wooden pen dipped in ink. Now nobody knows that. Technology definitly replaces the old one. when you march ahead, you have to leave the existing place. If I wish to go to Kolkata, I must leave Agra. This is true also for moving from old technology to new.

Technology is the creation of the man, meant for making human life easier. But, the very creator becoming a slave to his own creation is something unpalatable . It should be otherwise . Make the technology work for you. Not otherwise.
I Fear the Day That Technology Will Surpass Our Human Interaction and the world will have a generation of Idiots - Einstein
We are living in an age wherein a child reminds his mother through a cell phone for his next feed.
What's your take on Einstein's saying"?

I think technology has already taken over human interaction. We have already reached a point where we cannot imagine our lives without any techno-gadgets..can we? We can go on writing either for or against the growing use of gadgets which is marring real human interaction...but deep down we all know, this very technology is helping us earn our living, helping us stay connected with our loved ones who are spread across geographies, and helping us stay updated about the goings-on in and around us.

Really technology is helping us do things faster. Our capacity to calculate manually may have decreased but calculaters do very quickly. If you write an article using computer, your intellignce is certainly not less than what would be if you wrote manually.

Correct, we should make use of technology for adding to our knowledge and to our advantage. But we should not let technology cripple us. If we are using MS-Word to write an article..we should we equally adept at writing the same using a pen and a paper.
As fas as human interaction is concerned..we are all judgmental....may be less or more..but when we interact one-on-one with someone real..we are being judged and we judge the other person too..which we may not like. But when we interact in the cyber world...we don't bother too much if people are critical about us.

When you use improved technology, you will definitely lose the old skill. I can no longer write with pen on a paper but can work hours on computer. There is nothing wrong with this. what is significant is writing and not the method employed. There was a time when people would write on Bhoj patra (tree leaves) with a wooden pen dipped in ink. Now nobody knows that. Technology definitly replaces the old one. when you march ahead, you have to leave the existing place. If I wish to go to Kolkata, I must leave Agra. This is true also for moving from old technology to new.

Technology is the creation of the man, meant for making human life easier. But, the very creator becoming a slave to his own creation is something unpalatable . It should be otherwise . Make the technology work for you. Not otherwise.

Day by day technology is improving. We should use the technology but should not get addicted to it. We should not allow it to surpass our interaction. See the link below another technology invented to mimic like human brain
I Fear the Day That Technology Will Surpass Our Human Interaction and the world will have a generation of Idiots - Einstein
We are living in an age wherein a child reminds his mother through a cell phone for his next feed.
What's your take on Einstein's saying"?

I think technology has already taken over human interaction. We have already reached a point where we cannot imagine our lives without any techno-gadgets..can we? We can go on writing either for or against the growing use of gadgets which is marring real human interaction...but deep down we all know, this very technology is helping us earn our living, helping us stay connected with our loved ones who are spread across geographies, and helping us stay updated about the goings-on in and around us.

Really technology is helping us do things faster. Our capacity to calculate manually may have decreased but calculaters do very quickly. If you write an article using computer, your intellignce is certainly not less than what would be if you wrote manually.

Correct, we should make use of technology for adding to our knowledge and to our advantage. But we should not let technology cripple us. If we are using MS-Word to write an article..we should we equally adept at writing the same using a pen and a paper.
As fas as human interaction is concerned..we are all judgmental....may be less or more..but when we interact one-on-one with someone real..we are being judged and we judge the other person too..which we may not like. But when we interact in the cyber world...we don't bother too much if people are critical about us.

When you use improved technology, you will definitely lose the old skill. I can no longer write with pen on a paper but can work hours on computer. There is nothing wrong with this. what is significant is writing and not the method employed. There was a time when people would write on Bhoj patra (tree leaves) with a wooden pen dipped in ink. Now nobody knows that. Technology definitly replaces the old one. when you march ahead, you have to leave the existing place. If I wish to go to Kolkata, I must leave Agra. This is true also for moving from old technology to new.

Technology is the creation of the man, meant for making human life easier. But, the very creator becoming a slave to his own creation is something unpalatable . It should be otherwise . Make the technology work for you. Not otherwise.

Day by day technology is improving. We should use the technology but should not get addicted to it. We should not allow it to surpass our interaction. See the link below another technology invented to mimic like human brain

Because of the galloping technology , naturally we see a new invention and innovation surfacing up every moment. If any new technology is introduced, we should go for it if it adds more benefits and features for our benefit. Just embracing every new technology because it's new is not advisable.
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