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True.. But sometimes for selected movies it is not bad idea or waste of time. Watching movies at theaters is like fun.


But all may not get that kind of leisure to go for a movie theater and watch the movie. For such people available resources like YouTube are the best options.

I think it is waster of time and money, just travel if you feel tired and shoot photoes and create a story of about your travelling and that makes an excellent experience.

Oh.. you have suggested another way for creativity. But unfortunately  one can be a movie buff at the same time can be creative also.

mohan manohar wrote:

I think it is waster of time and money, just travel if you feel tired and shoot photoes and create a story of about your travelling and that makes an excellent experience. 


When doesn't have a time for movies how can he finds time for travelling. But that's right it's better to explore places than to sit in theater for 3 hours.


Those who consider seeing movies sitting in a movie theater can resort to some other activity. For me it's a relaxation. And relaxation is necessary for a happy life.

rambabu wrote:

Those who consider seeing movies sitting in a movie theater can resort to some other activity. For me it's a relaxation. And relaxation is necessary for a happy life.


Yes not only films but the things we do in which we are interested makes us stress free.


Sanjeev Gupta wrote:
rambabu wrote:

Those who consider seeing movies sitting in a movie theater can resort to some other activity. For me it's a relaxation. And relaxation is necessary for a happy life.


Yes not only films but the things we do in which we are interested makes us stress free.


Yes. It is as simple as that. Majority of the people do not know what they like and what they dislike and groping in the darkness cursing their fate and the people around them.The lesson is "Know thy self" knowing the strengths in you and working on them will make you achieve excellence  in your chosen field. And it endows you a  tension free life.



Yes it happens when are forced TO do things in which we are less interested they seem to be boring. 

Why should one should yield to the  forcings of others? You are living your life or others' lives? You have your own individuality. And you are the only one to know what's good and what's bad for you.

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