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More systematic education and testing of Ayurvedic drugs should be done and should be done in comparison with allopathic medicines in order to becomes an alternative medicinal source.

A great number of researches were done and it has been proved that Ayurveda should replace Allopathy for the reason Allopathy has life damaging side effects.

I am a pharmacist( Allopathy) But often I need Siddha medicines. I knew the fact and even you all  are knew this fact. In Allopathy medicine which have lot of adverse effects. But in the Siddha or Ayurvedic there is no side effect. But we need a remedy for a quick relief. Hence we attract towards the Allopathy. On the other side we have no time to cure ourself very best. And the Allopathy which does not deals with the root cause of our diseases. 














All alternative medicines are slow acting because they treat the root of the disease, whereas Allopathy treats the symptoms


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