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Gulshan Kumar Ajmani wrote:

In fact, you should not tell lie to any professional whose help you seek.  Not only doctoe, if you conceal some material facts from your lawyer, he will not be able to help you. 

yes it's 100% right sir, if you want the help from others one should always say everything openly about the matter in which he/she want help. Because if they say the lie our hide something from the person who is helping him/her and if he/she got the information from other then he/she will never help him nor he/she can do something because he/she is not prepared for that because he/she is not told or he/she don't know only. so its better to say everything true and everything even a small bit also because who knows that it might can help you 


bhuyali saroj

Being open always helps, be it with a Doctor or a Lawyer. Hiding the facts lead to disastrous consequences. In the case of Doctors, it is good for one's own self. Because, it is the doctor who can go for other measures like X-Ray, ECG etc that help in curing the ailment.


Telling truth to your doctor will help him better to examine you. By knowing some facts about you, he will be able to diagnose the sickness in a better way.

Another belief that is firmly rooted in People is about sleep. Many think that just 5 hours  sleep is enough for them. It is proved by many researchers that inadequate sleep is linked with high BP.The doctor alone can say how much enough sleep is necessary for you depending on your age


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