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vijay wrote:

Well said @Gulshanji. For some the sun of democracy has arisen in May 2014. Before that it was all darkness. How ungrateful can many be.

Although this looks odd to say, day for an owl begins when Sun sets. For saffron brigade fascists, democracy has begun. For them democracy means freedom to kill opponents, intellectuals, minorities, lower castes. 


G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

But ultimately truth shall prevail, because the sun has been shining ever since creation.

Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani

 The so called Saffron brigade may or may not be subverting democracy nor attack minorities , which is more a rumor spread by the Congress party and of course its obedient supporters who don't look beyond what the party leaders propagate , in fact the party has been at the root of communalising the nation ever since the Family rule took over and what we see now is the after effects of this act for which the BJP gets blamed for ! Some authors are now analysing and see it for what it is and know that intolerance and any other kind of bias cannot happen overnight but is being cleverly manipulated and fed to the masses by , the party that has lost power and cannot even be called an opposition party ..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Intolerance was the word created by the Khaddar topi gang. This was the ploy of that party to create Vote Banks, so that the party remains in power forever. Unfortunately, its plans boomeranged.


Getting bashed up for expressing one's views is tolerance. Targeting specific communities before every election is tolerance. Calling Dalits all sort of derogatory names and maltreating them is tolerance. 

There are truths which at times warrant proof. But there are Axioms which do not need proofs, Akin to this Congress party is the breeding ground for Vote Bank Politics. Every citizen of this country knows about Vote Bank politics of Congress.Even now it has no idea why it has been unceremoniously Kicked out of Power.  The BJP has been elected. Despite its many futile attempts to stage a comeback its a an exercise in futility. Now the Congress's position is well defined, outside the gates of Parliament.


The axiom postulated by you is actually an axion , a hypothetical argument of low mass and energy thought to exist because of your own self force.

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