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anil wrote:
rambabu wrote:

There is a saying in Sanskrit, " Ati Sarvatra Varjayet." It means any thing excess should be avoided. This is applicable not only to Ayurvedic medicines,.

No sir it is also applicable on Ayurvedic medicines. If you eat Sarpa gandha vati or Kapoor Ras wati in excess, what will happen, think about it. Sarpa Gandha wati is sleeping pills and Kapoor Ras Wati is for loos motion.


Anill, I said excess in Natural therapies will prove counter productive. Tell me, when excess intake of Ayurvedic medicines take place ? When you use them on your own accord without consulting a recognized Ayurvedic expert. The same thing is true for Yoga and other Natural therapies. Hence it is advisable to take the guidance of an expert in those respective Natural therapies.




Very few persons take any type of medicines on their own. Doctors advised dosages can also lead to side effects. As usual you will go to any lengths to stick to your stand even if it is not right. 

Before using natural cure one has to have faith in natural cures which is utmost important than using

bhuyali saroj

More than anything else, its highly essential to know the procedures involved in different Natural Therapies like Acupressure Yoga etc. Performing Yoga wrongly will do more damage to Health which can be irreversible.


we somebody says about nature care i fully trust PATANJALI products not just because people say because i have used it works for me 

bhuyali saroj

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