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I have been practicing Yoga since many years. It's not only Yoga that keeps you hale and healthy. Nature has given us several sources of healthy foods that increase the metabolism and makes our immunity system strong and sturdy. natural foods  are capable of fighting many chronic diseases.


I agree many alternative medicines that had been proved to be useful for so many centuries, can be useful to cure many diseases. However many people want immediate cure which alternative medicine lack in, hence people go for allopathy medicines. I myself follow and believe in natural therapies, mainly homeopathy. Homeopathy has cured me from many chronic complaints. 

Natural therapies has lot of potential to cure disease like cancer, but it all depends on the perspective and believe of people. 

Natural therapies are of different kinds. Acupuncture, Acupressure, Ayurveda, Yoga are some of the Natural therapies. Natural therapies take time to cure an ailment because, they act on the root of the ailment. Where as Allopathy acts on symptoms. That's why Allopathic medicines cure quickly. But they have many side effects. In Natural therapies there are no side effects. They are non invasive.


It is not true that natural treatments do not have side effects. Ayurveda medicines induce many side effects like lose motions, drowsiness, because of the use of certain metallic compounds they use.

vijay wrote:

It is not true that natural treatments do not have side effects. Ayurveda medicines induce many side effects like lose motions, drowsiness, because of the use of certain metallic compounds they use.


Yes I agree.. Every therapy has its own side effects. Allopathy shows side effects immediately while Ayurveda, and homeopathy shows it late. Any natural therapies if taken for longer time would show its side effects. 


Natural therapies is a generic word. Ayurveda and Ayurvedic herbal treatments are  one of the Natural cures. They don't have any side effects, if one uses genuine products made by well known and reliable organizations like Dabur, Himalaya Ayurvedic products. Buying roadside pseudo Ayurvedic products or herbals will do harm.

Abuse of ayurvedic therapy has a side effect because excess of remedy when body doesnt need that much quantity.. It's like drinking alcohol..small quantity is fine but excess use of alcohol becomes hazardous to health.. Similarly these therapies are..

There is a saying in Sanskrit, " Ati Sarvatra Varjayet." It means any thing excess should be avoided. This is applicable not only to Ayurvedic medicines,.


Ayurvedic medicines do cause side effects and brushing them by taking cover  of roadside producers and over consumption etc is to deny the reality. Allopathic medicines also do not cause side reactions every time they are taken but we accept they can cause them. So what is so holy in not accepting that Ayurvedic medicines also cause side effects.

rambabu wrote:

There is a saying in Sanskrit, " Ati Sarvatra Varjayet." It means any thing excess should be avoided. This is applicable not only to Ayurvedic medicines,.

No sir it is also applicable on Ayurvedic medicines. If you eat Sarpa gandha vati or Kapoor Ras wati in excess, what will happen, think about it. Sarpa Gandha wati is sleeping pills and Kapoor Ras Wati is for loos motion.



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