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rambabu wrote:
anil wrote:
Shampa Sadhya wrote:
anil wrote:
Shampa Sadhya wrote:

Even parents use unfair means for enrolling their child in Montessori only to get a seat in a reputed school. This is how we instil immoral values in our children.

You are right but parents are not only responsible for it, our system is also responsible. Good schools are not enough here. What parents do?

Yes, I agree that parents have their own reasons but by doing so we are encouraging corruption and not trying to curb it. Thus, we have no right to accuse others for corruption when we too practice it whenever time demands ill practice.

Yes you are right,we have not right to blame others, but some time we are helpless. Tell honsetly will compromise for principal, not to give bribe, with future of your children?  

" Be the change you want to see in the world." - mahatma Gandhi. It is true in any aspect of life. Unless people join hands with the Government, nothing will come out.

With which government? Watch these may be part of WB government and may in coming year India government. What we can hope from these.







anil wrote:
rambabu wrote:
anil wrote:
Shampa Sadhya wrote:
anil wrote:
Shampa Sadhya wrote:

Even parents use unfair means for enrolling their child in Montessori only to get a seat in a reputed school. This is how we instil immoral values in our children.

You are right but parents are not only responsible for it, our system is also responsible. Good schools are not enough here. What parents do?

Yes, I agree that parents have their own reasons but by doing so we are encouraging corruption and not trying to curb it. Thus, we have no right to accuse others for corruption when we too practice it whenever time demands ill practice.

Yes you are right,we have not right to blame others, but some time we are helpless. Tell honsetly will compromise for principal, not to give bribe, with future of your children?  

" Be the change you want to see in the world." - mahatma Gandhi. It is true in any aspect of life. Unless people join hands with the Government, nothing will come out.

With which government? Watch these may be part of WB government and may in coming year India government. What we can hope from these.

Anil, the link is not opening. Can you please give an English version so that all can understand ?








as we know that we cannot clap from one hand, in the same manner we also know that charity begins at home so to bring changes in the society first we have to change ourselves.

bhuyali saroj

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