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Good Morning to all my friends!

Yes,it is absolutely correct to say that we can avoid courting some toubles by staying postive in our attitudes.
Santosh Kumar Singh wrote:
[quote]Positive Thinking leads to a beautiful Life, is it true?[/quote]

Why such a doubt? Positive is always positive.

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That is very well said,Abid!!No scope for harboring any doubts about it!
Its not doubt just I want to see more views for this matter and want to see how many are their positive thinker...............

Santosh Kumar Singh


I want to share a joke on positive thinking!!! :)

Positive thinking is like…..
You are standing on the middle of the road………
suddenly a crow beats on your head….
But you remain calm…
and thanks to God…
that cows don't fly.

:laugh: :laugh:

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
Santosh,going by the number of positive replies that this thread has received we can conclude that all the members of this site are positive thinkers!
If We have positive thinking mindset Then we can think positively and positive thinking guarantees happiness, good health, success, and a positive outcome in every situation.

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
Yes this is 100% correct, positive life always leads to a beautiful life.
To have a positive thinking mindset you need to have positive thoughts, and they should flow in your mind constantly.

Positive affirmations can play a big role to develop your positive thinking habits.

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
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