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Existence of the negative and the awareness of its unpleasant consequences should make us postive in our attitudes.
I think if we extract our negative points and keep well them then we will be positive thinker.

Santosh Kumar Singh


It's basically our way of viewing things which matters.A glass which half filled with water can be described by one as half empty on the other hand, one can also describe it as half full.This is what we can call positivism.
Yes --- Chinmoy, this is very good point stated by you!

Positivism depends on the way we deal with the situation!!! :)

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Very Good Morning to all my friends!Hope the day has begun on a bright note for all you!

Yes Deepti,it's our attitude that makes or mars!
I think positive thinking generate positive energy inside us that convert to success that is the key point.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Positive attitude is important --- Hope many of us should learn to develop a positive attitude :)

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Positive thinking come by loving yourself so todays inspiration quote is love yourself fist.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Although loving oneself is a natural phenomenon we need to have it in good measure for others too.
Positive thinking keep away us from unnecessary troubleshooting .................

Santosh Kumar Singh


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