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What exactly is that and how does it help the poor?

Hi Mr.Satish

Actually the money earned in the above mentioned site are used for the welfare of the poor people in India and so every click we do is going to me some amount for them and they use this money( which comes for them in the form of adds) for supplying food for the poor people.They are also a part of the UN food program and there are images in that site where you can find how the money is being send.I guess when you click and enter the site you can understand it very clearly

Earn Money Online - Minimum Rs. 2000 from Boddunan
Good job Raaghav.

With Regards
thanks Vignesh. But it would be nice if all...just click the link and so that the members of Boddunan would have helped the poor people....

Earn Money Online - Minimum Rs. 2000 from Boddunan
I clicked today

With Regards
Thanks Vignesh... I knew you did alreay.. I was just asking all to just give a click. Thanks again and a good job

Earn Money Online - Minimum Rs. 2000 from Boddunan
Raghav jee...

As shown in the page after clicking for food (Thanks giving page) I made it home page.So today that thanks giving page came.So inorder to click I have to go back.Don't it be able to make the first page itself as home page?

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That's really a great job Abid... I guess you better make it as a home page, with the help of the settings in the browser you use, with that link.. because in that site they would have given option and we might copy the thanks giving page, and you try to make their home page as your browser's home page.... Think it will work friend...

Earn Money Online - Minimum Rs. 2000 from Boddunan
OK I'll try to make it in my browser eventhough am not well in that job.Else the method I adopted today will have to carried out.

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ya k... thanks again for good work

Earn Money Online - Minimum Rs. 2000 from Boddunan
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