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My sister will spend 3 Hours on That Stupid Facebook Kitchen game but will not cook for me.

So it makes people lazy!
Don't cry like that! That's going to disturb her kitchen studies!!!
Sajee,Better learn cooking on your own.It would be very interesting. ;) :P
Watch out for the link if you are really interested in agriculture. :)
Farmers are using Kissan Call center number(1800-180-1551) to clarify their doubts related to agriculture. I recently saw an advertisement telecasted in DD.
Imaginative and innovative uses of internet can help one in opening many doors!
good for well as us!!!at least they r growing some realistic grain's in there farm..rather than to grow them in farmville.!
Yes, I agree with you Sajeetharan and Chinmoy. Good to hear that there is a increase in the percentage of people using internet to know more about farming techniques. :)

I think you have misunderstood my statement here, i was talking about farmville, a game on facebook!
They can also explore overseas markets for their farm produce using net!
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