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Yes,I agree with Rajani.Internet can be a very potent tool for our farmers.They can learn the latest farming techniques,set up their export outfits and what not!
I also had read another survey on internet usage where girls fear to have private browsing!

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We need to have greater depth of internet usage.I think ITC has been doing good job by setting up e-chaupals in rural India.
I disagree this point, this one more way to make money from people...

You know what this government officers just makes illogical reports so that government can increase taxes on us, and, this government officers could get one more chance to take more bribe..

Now this report will create one more reasons to increase taxes, and the reason would be we want to teach internet to villagers.

Indian Villagers are already in good condition... I have Many friends lives in village, and, I am sorry to say but they are master of internet....

Whomever Government Officials made this report should go to them to learn internet

BULLSHIT INDIAN POLITICIANS and bullshit Government Officials YOU JUST WANT A REASON TO MAKE MONEY from Indian Citizens.....
You seem to have a big distaste for government offices and its officers.I do share it with you!!!
Before Copywriting and Professional Blogging, I was graphics designer and working under firm which makes Designs for Politicians, I have all seen with my eyes, they all are corrupted...

We Indian citizens blame every bad thing over god, but, the truth is - all problems arise in each of our life is because they are running our system...

Just left it, you wouldn't trust me, but, believe me, this is all scam by some officials and politicians.
There is very little scope for disagreement with you on this score and the experience of most of us is just the same.
chinmoymukherjee wrote:
[quote]There is very little scope for disagreement with you on this score and the experience of most of us is just the same.[/quote]

I agree with chinmoy's statement and real almost every governement organisation is corrupted..
Sajeetharan, what not can be learnt from internet? They can learn anything from internet starting from fertilizers to tractors.The farmers can organise a forum where all their queries realted to agriculture would be solved.
Internet is an empowering tool and all sections of people can derive benefit from it.
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